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ActionFilter in ASP.NET MVC - OnResultExecuted

April 11, 2012 mgroves 0 Comments
Tags: mvc ActionFilter

This is the last post of a series of posts about using ASP.NET's ActionFilter.

The last method that you can override in an ActionFilter is OnResultExecute, which runs after the result of a controller action has been executed.

An argument of type ResultExecutedContext gets passed in to OnResultExecute. It's not wildly different from ResultExecutingContext, except that instead of a "Cancel" member, you get a "Canceled" member, which just tells you after the fact if the action was cancelled or not. You can still access HttpContext, the Controller object, the Result, the RouteData, etc.

I can't really create another kitchen sink view like I could with the previous blog posts, because the ActionResult (usually a ViewResult) has already been executed. (I could still write to the Http Response, but that would be a little tedious).

Since OnResultExecuted can't output to the view, it's somewhat limited in its general usefulness. Logging, of course, can still be done here. Last minute changes to the HttpResponse might be a good use of this filter. You can still handle some exceptions, though using a HandleErrorAttribute filter might be a better idea for that.


Matthew D. Groves

About the Author

Matthew D. Groves lives in Central Ohio. He works remotely, loves to code, and is a Microsoft MVP.

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